LLP: I Can Soar Leadership
Student Leadership
In Woodlands Ring Primary school, we tap on Student Leadership which is our LLP to deepen learning, develop leadership and promote student initiation. This is aligned to our school’s strategic thrust of Nurturing Leaders of Character. The Student Leadership Development focuses on providing training for all students with the basic leadership skills and school values.
In line with our school’s symbolic imagery of a soaring eagle, we believe that nurturing students with a strong moral anchor, equipping them with leadership skills and 21st century competencies will help them soar in a VUCA world. Through various platforms and a common language anchored on The Leadership Challenge, it would further deepen learning and promote shared understanding in the WRPS community.
In the LLP framework, we have highlighted our structured and progressive approaches to achieve our 3 key LLP outcomes:

Through the inception of LLP, we aim to further deepen our students’ learning by adopting Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory anchored on the 5 practices of the Leadership Challenge Model as a guide to craft our learning experiences with a strong emphasis on student-initiation and deep reflection.

WRPS Student Leaders Structure
At Tier 1, all students across all levels are given leadership opportunities through various monitor roles in the classroom. We adopt the 3A Approach - Awareness, Action, Attitude in selecting appropriate learning experiences that promote awareness, encourages action and internalization of prosocial behaviours.
To realize our students' leadership potential, the IDEA talent management approach (Tier 2) seeks to Identify potential leaders, Develop their leadership competencies, provide platforms for Exposure, Assess students’ leadership growth at critical junctures and Acknowledge their contributions to the school and community.
The Leadership Challenge: 5 Practices of Exemplary Leadership