Chinese Language Unit
The aim of the Chinese Unit is to inculcate passion in the learning of Mother Tongue Language and its culture and to instill a sense of responsibility towards family, society and country. The curriculum and programmes emphasize on acquiring proficiency in Chinese language, cultivating interest in Chinese culture and instilling strong Moral Values.
Vision and Mission
Active Learners, Proficient Chinese Language Users who appreciate Chinese cultures and uphold values.
We are committed to the teaching and learning of Chinese Language to nurture active learners and proficient language users who appreciate Chinese cultures and uphold values. |
Name |
Designation |
Mdm Cheng Chim Khim Wendy |
Head of Department |
Mdm Mah Wai Mei |
Level Head |
Mdm Liang Gui Ping |
ST / CL |
Specific Programmes
What is it about
Target Group
Mid_Autumn Festival |
The Chinese department organizes Mid-Autumn Festival Lantern Making and
Drawing competitions every year, along with the festive-related classroom
activities. It aims to provide a platform for pupils to celebrate the traditional
festival and appreciate the richness of one’s culture.
All pupils
Mother Tongue Fortnight |
MT Fortnight is a 2-week long programme. During the 2-weeks, students engaged in many fun-filled activities ranging from storytelling, crafts work to cultural appreciation. There are also competitions customised at various levels. Through the MT Fortnight, the school aims to create an engaging environment in which the learning of Chinese, Malay and Tamil are made more meaningful by promoting the cultural richness found in each language. |
All pupils
Cultural Performance Exposure Scheme (CPES)
An initiative by the Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning (CPCLL),
the Cultural Performance Exposure Scheme (CPES) aims to expose school students
to Chinese language-related cultural performances by local and foreign
performing arts groups, through attending musical stage play. The musical
play is staged at a public performing arts venue to enhance the theatre
experience with positive take-away for students.
P3 pupils
Chinese New Year Celebration
Woodlands Ring Primary School celebrated Chinese New Year this year with pre-recorded performances shown in their classrooms on 31st January 2022. The concert started off with an interesting lion dance performance. Next, there was a video montage of teachers and students sending their well wishes to everyone. Following that, students had their snack break while enjoying Chinese New Year songs. Various CCAs also participated in the celebration and showcased their talents through different performances. Pupils were given the opportunity to record their performances from home and there was even a classroom visit by “God of Fortune” while the celebration was going on! After viewing the performances, the pupils got to learn more about Chinese New Year traditions and customs through a presentation and ended the day by engaging in fun-filled classroom activities led by their form teachers.
National Calligraphy Competition
WRPS participated in the “Awe-Inspiring Virtue and Ocean of Wisdom” National Calligraphy Competition yearly. All primary 1 to primary 6 pupils had the opportunity to participate in this competition. Our school was also awarded the “Active School Participation” Award for being one of the schools that submitted the greatest number of entries for this competition. It was indeed a proud moment for WRPS!
Mid-Autumn Festival competitions
As part of the Chinese culture, Lantern Making and Drawing competitions was conducted to promote an interest and awareness of the Mid-Autumn Festival in pupils. We also aim to foster stronger parent-child relationship through the Lantern Making activity.

MT Fortnight
The MT Fortnight aims to expose students in the understanding of their own culture and language through active participation in a variety of activities and programmes on a yearly basis for all levels.

MT Fortnight (CL)

P4 Cultural Fiesta
The P4 pupils experience a wonderful cross cultural half-day programme through various multicultural traditional activities and hands-on tasks planned for them.

Cultural Performance Exposure Scheme (CPES)
An initiative by the Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning (CPCLL), the Cultural Performance Exposure Scheme (CPES) aims to expose students to Chinese language-related cultural performances by local performing art groups, through attending musical stage play.
Learning journey to SOTA for Chinese Cultural theatre experience.

Hooked on Reading (for all levels)
- Cultivate the love for reading.
- Expose our pupils to storybooks of different genres.
- Bi-weekly class reading time and scheduled visit to school library.

Character and Citizenship Education (MT - CCE)
a) CCE Termly Quiz
- Pupils take part in the termly quiz while learning about core values, character building and cultures.
b) Moments of Appreciation
- Pupils learn the importance of having good relationships with others ie. friends, sibling, parents, teachers etc.
- Pupils design and create something for people whom they appreciate their relationship
- Selected good works are also displayed to affirm pupils efforts
Some good works done by our pupils